Who is Mikki Mase Gambler?

mikki mase gambler poker

You may not have heard of Mikki, or Mikki Mase Gambler, but he is one of the most feared gamblers in Las Vegas if you are a casino owner. Having only recently entered the gambling and poker scene, the self-proclaimed; ‘Dirty Goth Boi’ is making some rather large waves.

He has a knack of running up small bankrolls into multi-millions and is increasingly seeing his popularity for such feats dwindle amongst casino owners as more and more casinos ban him from playing Baccarat on their establishment.

About Mikki Mase Gambler

He was expelled from school as a youngster, partied and regularly got drunk and into trouble. Mikki was involved in drugs dealing and drug taking. Mikki confirmed that his grandparents raised him and they were sick, sick gamblers.

Mikki learned rummy, gin rummy and poker at a very young age. Mikki whilst at high school scored very highly on a IQ test, in the top 0.1%, in the genius category! Mikki was also arrested young and jailed at just 15 years of age, and spent a total of around three and a half years in jail by the age of 21.

Having matured in his 20’s and trying to straighten his life out, Mikki got into sales and other legitimate business ventures. Mikki has other hobbies including motocross and as you could probably guess, he likes a bit of ink.

mikki mase gambler
Is this Mikki Mase real identity?

How much did Mikki make in Vegas?

Mikki Mase Gambler confirmed on the Nick Vertucci Show (podcast) in December 2022 that over the past 24 months he has beat the Las Vegas casinos out of $30,000,000. Mikki said that he is now one of a few players who is banned at playing Baccarat in Las Vegas due to his winning play.

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Mikki Mase (Credit: dirtygothboi Instagram)

Mikki has also shown his casino records for proof, as the picture below shows, more than $10,000,000 worth of winnings in 2021 at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas.

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Mikki Gambler Casino Records (2021 – Venetian Resort)

Mikki Mase Gambler claims to having a ‘system’ to beat Baccarat. He said to has used reversed-engineering as a way of beating the casinos at their own game. Although he does not discuss the methods used openly, this is in part due to confirming he has sold the information regarding this system to a third-party for $50,000,000.

Mikki Mase on Social Media

You don’t have to travel to Las Vegas to see Mikki Mase Gambler exploits, he is on social media, including; YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. He has exploded online in the past 12 months and is gathering a huge following of fans. You will see many photos and videos showing Mikki’s lifestyle including seeing him with piles of cash in Las Vegas.

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Dirty Goth Boi on YouTube

Mikki Gambler likes to spend

With such wealth at a young age Mikki Mase Gambler is like many others who likes to live a lavish lifestyle. Mikki obviously invests a lot in ink, but splashes the cash on designer clothes and living large. Mikki also likes to go out on shopping sprees also, watch below as goes on a shopping spree in Las Vegas spending a cool $25,000.

Mikki Mase the Poker Player

Although Mikki Mase Gambler doesn’t seem to have an edge against Professional Poker Players like he does against the casinos Baccarat games, you will regularly see him compete on live streams such as Hustler Casino Live.

Mikki Gambler plays a mixture of No Limit Hold’em and PLO, his preference is for PLO as he prefers the additional strategy with the additional cards/information. He mainly plays cash games and you can find various videos featuring him playing on YouTube.

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Super High Stakes Poker Featuring Mikki (Credit: Hustler Casino Live)

What is the future for Mikki Mase Gambler?

Apart from being a social media influencer and loving to gamble, Mikki also invests some of his winnings in real estate developments, trying to ensure he invests and grows some of the money he has earned over the past few years.

Although Mikki is a regular on the high stakes cash poker scene, Mikki also desires to be a tournament poker player, but he is unsure if this will transpire. Lad United are really excited to see what the future has in store for Mikki.

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